Tuesday, 1 July 2014

It's Business, Baby - I Wanna See Your Depop-pop-pop...

(...Your Depop-pop) If you now aren't singing this song over and over we can't be friends!

iphone selling platform

Never one to miss out on a trend here at Crown and Glory HQ, our latest social media obsession is Depop. Ever scroll through your Instagram feed and think - damn I wish I knew where to get that cute skirt/top/headband from? Well Depop saw that gap in the market and ran with it - quite literally. Think of it as Instagram but for buying stuff, users can take pictures of the pieces they want to sell right into the app, add a description, set their price (though haggling is encouraged I do believe!), set their postage and push the listing through to their Facebook and Instagram pages. It really is that. easy. Users follow their favourite feeds, and scroll through their listings altogether much like the instagram feed we all love to waste hours at a time on.


While the adopted presence at the moment seems to be for personal users selling their unwanted clothes and accessories, brands are hot on the mark and joining suit; our favourite feeds so far are Mod Dolly, Motel and Ever Ours but we'd love to follow others so leave your links below if you're jumping on the bandwagon, too.

depop c&g

So far, we've been using our Depop as a kind of Outlet store - posting one of a kind, samples and ex-stock items at up to 70% off RRP. It's a so much easier to navigate than an eBay shop (though we have one of those for our Outlet range, too!) and with only 10% commission and no listing fees is more purse friendly, too.

Will you be opening up a Depop account for your business?

 Crown and Glory Twitter Crown and Glory PinterestCrown and Glory Instagram Crown and Glory Facebook

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